Submitted by Anne Jardine
Steamboat Society

The 10th Anniversary Steamboat Mountain Music Festival was a strictly Edgewater affair this year. With public health restrictions uncertain and just lifting, the organizing committee wanted to do something safe, flexible and limited. Al Miller and the Home Hardware Rolling Stage, accompanied by Martin Wartbichler’s traffic control tractor, moved around to a few different locations in Edgewater where people could gather, and the audience grew a bit at each stop as a few more neighbours joined the entourage. The truck looked beautiful, and the performers delivered their songs to appreciative Steamboat listeners.

Thanks to all the performers for their original tunes. Special thanks to Home Hardware for their long-time sponsorship of this festival and Al Miller for his strong community spirit. 

The festival’s main project is the anniversary CD – a double album “Shake A Tree,” which features all local, all original music. The album is in production and will be ready in the fall. The Steamboat Society plans to hold a Release Party for the CD and will announce details in early September. This release event will hopefully be an outdoor event in Edgewater Community Park. In May and June, Steamboat Society held a design contest for the album cover art. Winners are Bill Ark for the inside spread, and Cimone Zimmer for the front cover. The Society would like to thank all the artists who sent in their beautiful entries. It was a hard choice. 

The Tenth Steamboat is building up steam for the launch of the CD and the live, singing, dancing, fun times ahead “Shake A Tree!”