Toby Theatre

June 26th – 29th, 8 p.m.: Mirror, Mirror.

June 30th, July 2nd – 6th, 8 p.m.: The Avengers.

For info:

Saturday, June 23rd:

Cowboy breakfast in Radium, a sparkling exhibition of art glass panels reflecting the beauty of Kootenay National Park at Radium Hot Springs Pool lobby. No admission required. Runs until October 31st. For info: 250-347-9485.

9 a.m. – 1 p.m.: Farmers Market in downtown Invermere. Market will run every Saturday until September 8th.

10 – 11 a.m.: A.C.E. Community Annual General Meeting at Invermere Community Greenhouse.

10 a.m. – 3 p.m.: Electronics recycling program at Invermere Community Hall. Visit for a list of acceptable items.

11 a.m. – 2 p.m.: Buy a hot dog, buy a book! Friends of Invermere Library are cooking hot dogs at Home Hardware. Good selection of used books for summer reading. All funds raised support Invermere Public Library. For info: 250-341-3185.

Sunday, June 24th:

11 a.m. : Registration for Johnson/Kloos Memorial Family Poker Ride. Meet at Lake Lillian parking lot. Ride begins at 12 p.m. BBQ to follow. $20 per hand. For info or to volunteer: [email protected].

4 – 9 p.m.: Urban Farming Fair and Open House at Invermeres Community Greenhouse. For info: 250-342-3337.

4 – 6 p.m.: Electric Fencing Workshop at Invermeres Community Greenhouse. Gillian Sanders presents from the North Kootenay Lake Bear Smart Program. Register at College of The Rockies: 250-342-3210 or [email protected].

5 p.m.: Pioneer Dinner at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch# 199 Edgewater. Barbecue roast beef, salads, dessert and beverage at 6 p.m. $14 per person.

6 – 6:30 p.m.: Groundswell Annual General meeting at Invermere Community Greenhouse.

Tuesday, June 26th:

5 – 8 p.m.: Windermere Valley Minor Hockey registration in the arena lobby.

Wednesday, June 27th:

5:30 p.m.: David Thompson Secondary School Grad Procession along main street in Invermere.

Thursday, June 28th:

9:30 a.m.: Awards Day Ceremony at David Thompson Secondary School at the gym. Everyone is welcome.

2 p.m.: Commencement Ceremony at David Thompson Secondary School gym. Invited guests welcome.

8:30 p.m.: Maria in the Shower at Buds Bar and Lounge. Tickets are $10 at the door.

Friday, June 29th:

Panorama Summer Operations Opening Day. Mountain biking, sightseeing, fun zone activities. For info:

4 – 9 p.m.: Market on Main and Music on Main at the Radium Visitor Centre. Every Friday until September 1st. This week featuring Marty & Eli.

6 – 9 p.m.: Rod Charlesworth and Jeff Fleming exhibition at The Artym Gallery. For info: 250-342-7566.

Saturday, June 30th:

9 a.m. – 2 p.m.: Fifth annual ICAN garage sale at Decks Properties, 101 Industrial Road#2 (across from vets office). All monies raised go towards the animals in their care.

10:30 a.m.: Fireworks BBQ at Home Hardware. Buy a brat on a bun, a drink, and a Canadian flag in support of the annual Canada Day Fireworks in Invermere. Will run until all the food is gone! Hosted by the Kinsmen Club and Home Hardware.

11 a.m. – 3 p.m.: Open House and BBQ at the Radium fire hall. Hosted by the Radium Hot Springs Volunteer Fire department.

11 a.m. – 8 p.m.: Purcell Mountain Painters Radium Outdoor Show and Sale. Original works of art for sale at Village Country Inn and Fireside Tea Shoppe, Canyon Avenue and St. Joseph, Radium. For info: 250-341-5792.

MIDNIGHT : Canada Day fireworks display, set off near the Eddie Mountain Memorial Arena in Invermere. Sponsored by the Kinsmen Club.

Sunday, July 1st: CANADA DAY

10 a.m.: Fifth annual Fairmont Fantastic 3 Triathlon relaxed start. Swim, bike, trail run. Fun-focused wilderness triathlon. Spectator friendly. BBQ and Canada Celebrations included. $39 per individual and $79 per team. Community fundraiser sponsored by the Fairmont Business Association. For info:

11 a.m. – 5 p.m.: Purcell Mountain Painters Radium Outdoor Show and Sale. Original works of art for sale at Village Country Inn and Fireside Tea Shoppe, Canyon Avenue and St. Joseph, Radium. For info: 250-341-5792.

11 a.m.: Canada Day Parade downtown Invermere.

12 noon – 3 p.m.: Canada Day Celebrations Mountain Mosaic Festival at Kinsmen Beach at Pynelogs Cultural Centre following the Canada Day Parade. Live music, arts and entertainment, kids activities and food vendors. For info: 250-342-4423.

3:15 p.m.: Fourth annual Build a Boat Contest hosted by RCMP, Cops for Kids and Home Hardware at Kinsmen Beach as part of the Mountain Mosaic festival. For info: 250-342-9292.

Tuesday, July 3rd:

8 a.m.: Charlie Osterloh Seniors Mens Open at Radium Resort. Two day golf tournament. For info: 250-347-9311.

Wednesday, July 4th:

6 – 8 p.m.: Scrabble at the Invermere Library. For info: 250-342-6416.