The 42nd Annual Firemen’s Ball promises to continue a long tradition of good times and a great meal for a worthy cause.
“This year the money is going to our rescue equipment fund,” said Invermere Fire Rescue training officer Jason Roe. Some specialized equipment is not normally funded by municipalities, he explained, adding the department’s rescue truck attends calls anywhere from north of Fairmont Hot Springs to south of Golden.
The ball, set for Saturday, October 26th, will begin providing refreshments at 6 p.m. with a prime rib dinner ready to be served at 7 p.m.
“We usually draw a crowd of close to 200 people, “said Mr. Roe. “It’s become pretty famous for the dinner we put on.”
The event also includes door prizes, a silent auction, and a ballon pop. Live music will be provided later in the evening by Cranbrook band Canadian Crossfire.
Tickets cost $30 and can be pucrcahsed at Konig Meats, at the Invermere Fire Rescue hall, or by talking to any of Invermere’s 28 firefighters.
As this story was written, several members of Invermere Fire Rescue were responding to an electrical arc from a telephone pole near a daycare centre in Invermere prior to BC Hydro’s arrival, a fact that underscores the firefighters’ importance to the community.
Mr. Roe thanks all the local businesses who continue to support the annual event and for the donatopn ofd door prizes. It’s expected the ball will raise thousnds of dollars this year.