Dear Editor:
In response to Benches resident supports trail system letter (January 13th Pioneer): The Toby Benches welcomes you as a newcomer to our community. I believe this is a debate about environment and wildlife, but the impact is the 40 to 50 kilometres of new trails on this small piece of the Toby Benches. In every society there is a difference of opinion and we must not let one group take over all the Crown land in the Valley. I realize that a professional trail builder and former president of the Columbia Cycle Society would be supportive of more work in the area but there is work on the new Greenways Legacy trail coming up. Yes, the Johnson and Kloosifier trails have little maintenance and even less enforcement to stop new cuts beside damaged areas, ripping off No Trespassing signs, cutting fences, trespassing over private property and human feces behind every bush.
In response to Trails are needed in digital age letter (January 13th Pioneer): I find it hard to figure where the digital age fits in here. Firstly, I would like to apologize to the bikers for saying how they think, I should have said how the proponents of the new Barbour Rock Trails think as there are many bikers who are not supportive of this new development. I would sincerely like to thank the author of this letter for supporting exactly what I am trying to get across. Public lands (Crown lands) are available for the use of everyone! Never in any of my letters have I mentioned anything against the public or bikers using Crown land, unlike the author of the previous letter stating that if the bike trails couldnt be built, then no one should use the area. All I am trying to do is stop this small area of the Toby Benches known as the Barbour Rock Area being cut up with 40 or 50 kilometres of new bike trails. There are already many existing trails being used by bikers and everyone with little conflict and there is still some wildlife using this area. Really, do we need more trails? Check out the maps available on the web, every area has a map of trails, all allow multi-use. Whats wrong with using these trails? Oh! They were not built especially for mountain biking so other users might be out enjoying them too. But they are trails that are legal for mountain bikers to use so only 60 kilometres of legal trails. Come on! This small area is my backyard as is all the Crown land in B.C. in my opinion, and you can call me a NIMBY and I will bear it proudly because I am trying to preserve some of this land in its as near to natural state for wildlife and environment and future generations. Being a Rod and Gun Club Member for almost 60 years and past president of our local club, I have presented my views and always sided on the wildlife and Mother Natures side as they have no voice and are constantly being infringed upon.
Mother Nature and wildlife speak only by slowly and silently fading into extinction.
Norman Hendricks
Toby Benches