Columbia Valley Pioneer staff
It goes without saying that anyone who lights a campfire during these hot weather conditions is risking a lot. But after this Friday at noon, the risk will go up.
The BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) has implemented a province-wide campfire ban to address the hightened wildfire hazard.
This prohibition is being enacted to help prevent human-caused wildfires and to protect public safety. To learn more about what goes into a campfire prohibition watch:
The BCWS thanks everyone for being responsible with any activity that could potentially spark a new wildfire and the devastation it could bring to communities and the families who live there.
The BCWS encourages people to be vigilant and report new wildfire starts, unattended campfires or open burning violations.
To stay up to date on fire bans and restrictions in your area, visit:…/pre…/fire-bans-and-restrictions