March 24, 2017
to people who only read the Jeers and ignore the Cheers. Yes Im talking to you NP!
March 24, 2017
to John and Kerry Nason and the Balance Bobcat crew for plowing our driveway while we were in Mexico for an ...

March 24, 2017
to inconsiderate people who donate CDs or video cassettes that do not work to the Thrift Shop. Its not fair to the ...
March 17, 2017
to the local BC Liberal Candidate, this candidate apparently thinks its okay to spend constituency association ...
March 17, 2017
to the thrift store troll (and not the cute kind from the movie) who feels it is ok to buy things such as a childs ...
March 17, 2017
to Brandon at Fairmont Jewelers. You are a super Goldsmith and I love my newly designed ring.

March 17, 2017
to the Columbia Revelstoke Liberal Candidate. As a longtime Liberal supporter, I was furious that Liberal money ...
March 17, 2017
to Dahlia and Caleb for up righting our garbage can on your way to school. Such kind and amazing kids to have in ...

March 17, 2017
to me for being a distracted driver on Sat. Thank God the other drivers were paying attention. So Sorry! What a ...
March 17, 2017
to Peter, 11th Ave. loves you!