December 30, 2016
to golf season being only three months away!

December 30, 2016
to the generosity and kindness of this valley, Jeers to the people who are clearly taking advantage of this, ...

December 30, 2016
to the officers that responded to the car accident at the intersection Lakeview drive,Hwy 801. Dec 23rd. They ...

December 30, 2016
to Tim Hortons for warming us up on our Christmas Light Tour with your hot chocolate donation. The residents of ...

December 30, 2016
A huge shout out Cheers to the Radium Volunteer Fire Department for the beautiful Christmas light decorations on ...

December 30, 2016
to customers who travel through this valley and who bullied staff into selling goods far below the asking price ...
December 30, 2016
Huge Cheers to Diana and Kevin at the Purple Cow in Fairmont. What fantastic people not to mention the above n ...

December 30, 2016
to Jayne at Its A Wrap for the delicious Christmas treats.

December 30, 2016
to the sparkling Christmas tree on top of the new centre. Its just delightful!

December 30, 2016
to Jaye at Selkirk Cellular who goes above and beyond to help out. Youre awesome Jaye!!