September 23, 2016
to the Max Helmer Construction truck drivers that drive up and down Settlers Road! Every truck weve encountered on ...
September 23, 2016
to Shelley Shoemaker, Lymphatic Drainage masseuse extraordinaire! Your healing, caring, hands are much appreciated!
September 23, 2016
to Fairmont Hot Springs for the generous donation from their Exchange Tournament, and for everything else they ...
September 23, 2016
to the VERY childish Jeers lately. Assuming they are coming from adults, grow up already.
September 23, 2016
to RDEK for paving the road to the transfer station in Canal Flats.
September 23, 2016
to Dandelions for their amazing debut cd. Such talent right here in the valley!
September 23, 2016
to Ron for picking up my bag of sleeping bags, towels and Therma Rests off the highway by Dry Gulch and for ...
September 23, 2016
to Gord Fullerton, just for being a great friend, father and husband. YOU ROCK!
September 23, 2016
to all the volunteers and sponsors for making the Invermere Music Festival such a success. You rocked the town ...
September 23, 2016
to Corporal Brett from the RCMP for his assistance when our truck broke down heading into Radium on Friday night. ...