June 3, 2016
Jeers to the N driver in the white Volkswagen Friday morning speeding down 13th Ave. in a school zone and who also ...
June 3, 2016
to the Trucker who hosed out the back of my truck for my Dogs and Me at the River. The clean ride home made us all happy!

June 3, 2016
to those who believe that the only thing certain in life are death, taxes and raising their gas prices on long weekends.
June 3, 2016
to Wendy Booth and all who work so hard to secure funding for important projects including provincial monies for ...

June 3, 2016
to the Dept. of Highways for placing highway speed signs in the Fairmont area. We are hopeful that the signs will ...

June 3, 2016
to The Pioneer for the best publication on Friday May 20th. Your coverage of the valley was just great!

June 3, 2016
to the wonderful person who stole 5 trays of my flowers sitting in front of my door. You are just awful people and ...
June 3, 2016
to Shayne the Aussie for not being able to hit the ball further than an old, fat guy. Howzat!?
June 3, 2016
to the guy pedalling his bike down the middle of the road while wearing camo! I almost didnt see you.
June 3, 2016
to the ladies at KSCU for all of their help with our compromised credit card. The money was being returned to our ...