October 2, 2015
back at ya to the closed minded fuddy Duddies... yes I know it is a slightly outdated term but I am no spring ...
October 2, 2015
to Kyra Warren for delivering not one, but two beautiful babies, for two happy moms, into our family this summer. ...
October 2, 2015
to our towns representative at UBCM for letting us all down again. A little effort would have been much appreciated.
October 2, 2015
to the staff at Kicking Horse Coffee and all the wonderful people of the Columbia Valley for showing us such a ...
October 2, 2015
to the individuals who stole from the Radium Gardens. My son was devastated on Monday when he and his classmates ...
October 2, 2015
to the drivers that like to put the N upside down or sideways. By doing that alone shows you are way too immature ...
October 2, 2015
to WV Golf Staff and Patrons who tried to help when I went down! Jeers to me for being a Grump about it!
October 2, 2015
to Howard who was driving his wifes van on Monday morning Sept. 28th and saw that I twisted my ankle (I did end up ...
October 2, 2015
to Nicole Dalke for being the nurse that gives her whole heart in her profession.