June 5, 2015
Jeers to the completely oblivious female driver with tied back hair and glasses in a silver gray car that did a ...
June 5, 2015
Cheers to the 4 motorists who passed me on the right while I was waiting to turn left into the Old Coach Trail on ...

June 5, 2015
Big CHEERS to staff at Invermere Library, they are all amazing and so helpful!

June 5, 2015
Cheers to Marko and all the RCMP for a wonderful open house. Even the big kids had fun. The wonderful experience ...

June 5, 2015
Big Cheers to Arly Franson and all the parents who helped the Grade 1s create artistic window masterpieces.

June 5, 2015
Huge Jeers to East Kootenay Brain Injury Association eliminating or downsizing services to needy people in the ...
June 5, 2015
Cheers to Geoff Hill. A great friend and all around good guy and genuine person! Keep on keeping on buddy.

June 5, 2015
Huge Cheers to Charlotte from the Dragonfly Discovery Centre. You go above and beyond to make it a great ...

June 5, 2015
Cheers to Councilor Justin Atterbury for his excellent letter in the May 22nd edition of The Pioneer, explaining ...

June 5, 2015
Jeers to the board at Windermere Valley Child Care Society that thinks they know everything and have nothing ...