April 24, 2015
to Joe, Sonja and Noah for an incredible opening day at The Springs Golf Course. From start to finish the quality ...

April 24, 2015
to Connor Fink for being a super cool role model for my two young sons at the Skate Park, handing out stickers and ...

April 24, 2015
to everyone in Dutch Creek for the overwhelming kindness and welcoming us to the community. So happy to have you ...

April 24, 2015
to the person complaining about the trucker hauling gravel at 4 a.m. on 13th. It would be unlikely they were ...
April 24, 2015
Huge Cheers to everyone who came out to help at the cemetery and church annual clean up at All Saints Edgewater. ...

April 24, 2015
and gratitude to the Invermere Hospital RNs Tina, Shauna, Vilma, Clara and LPN Marissa, the kitchen and cleaning ...

April 24, 2015
to Laura Kipp at Lambert Kipp Pharmacy. Such a kind professional and cheerful pharmacist you are; I always feel as ...

April 24, 2015
to Dean at Odyssey for his generous assistance and kindness.

April 24, 2015
to Max Helmer for his kindness, a friend indeed!

April 24, 2015
to all the bowling leagues for a great season. Double cheers to The Holy Bowlers for winning the House ...