December 29, 2014
to the participants of the live nativity scene in front of the Catholic church on Mon. Dec. 8th. Its great to see ...

December 29, 2014
to Peppis Pizza for donating pizza boxes to help our Sonshine Preschoolers finish their special gifts.

December 29, 2014
to Dave for your consideration and return of my lost knife. I really appreciate it!

December 19, 2014
to Rod at Valley Foods for going out of his way to help me when I came into the store in need of a special ...

December 19, 2014
to Rick at Invermere Public Works for getting us some gravel and filling in the puddles in front of Anglz Salon.

December 19, 2014
A huge cheers to the ladies at the library! Although I was only part of the team for a short while you made me ...

December 19, 2014
to the staff at Kicking Horse Coffee. I will miss working with all of you.

December 19, 2014
to Tiffany from Thredz. They said I looked stunning!

December 19, 2014
to the grade 8 girls volleyball team for kicking the grade 8 boys volleyball teams butt. Girls rule, the boys drool!

December 19, 2014
to the Rockies Hockey Team. You boys were awesome for coming to the community hall on Nov. 20th to help set up ...