October 10, 2014
to the crew working at the crossroads on the beautification project! It looks great.
October 10, 2014
to Terry Rozell for his help cat fishing on Sat. Sept. 27th.
October 10, 2014
to Carla at Eagle Ranch for going above and beyond.
October 10, 2014
to the couple I have seen picking up garbage and cans along the highways and within the towns. You set such a nice ...
October 10, 2014
to the fella who returned my $200 that fell out of my backpack at the post office.
October 10, 2014
to Fred and Marg Christensen, for your help with the shopping advice and complimentary delivery from the Free ...
October 10, 2014
to Valley Foods and Sobeys for donating bags to the Thrift Store for our successful Bag Sale last weekend!
October 3, 2014
to the wonderful people from Canal Flats who gave our very grateful stranded family a ride back into town from the ...
October 3, 2014
to the local companies who want locals to shop local but do not stand behind their product when there is a problem.
October 3, 2014
A GREAT BIG JEERS to the people who litter our highways. Est. 90% are beer cans. Right now its really bad between ...