June 6, 2014
to the fabulous blond guy who bought little Anna her favorite quinoa cupcake at Kicking Horse Caf Monday morning. ...
June 6, 2014
to the organizers and volunteers at The Spilli Chili Cook-off. Great venue, good location and some very good ...
June 6, 2014
to Doug and Mandy from Hybrid Landscaping for turning around and giving me a ride when they realized I wasnt ...
June 6, 2014
to the DOI and Canada Post for selecting a new location for the mailboxes. Children will be safer walking to ...
June 6, 2014
to Lisa and Jess for key roles on our team and great eyes for display!
May 30, 2014
to cyclists for not having to obey the rules that exist for automobile drivers.
May 30, 2014
A Big Cheers goes out to Lucas Ruault for what you did on Saturday night!
May 30, 2014
to Sherry at Circle Health, your friendliness and patience with children is so appreciated.
May 30, 2014
Huge Cheers to Dr. Bruce Thiessen. He is not only an extraordinary veterinarian but person as well. Bruce has ...
May 30, 2014
to Meadowland Art complex. Very cool and new vibrant paint job.