August 30, 2013
to Ambulance paramedics Emma & Mandy for getting me to Cranbrook safely before my surgery. They are the most ...
August 30, 2013
to Adam Reiter for working at AG Foods. What a wonderful, helpful young gentleman you are. We will miss you while ...
August 30, 2013
A HUGE cheer to the Adventure Radium camp who gave my kids a summer they wont forget! All the leaders were ...
August 30, 2013
to whoever is providing potential landowners around Baptiste Lake incorrect information. Baptiste Lake is ...
August 30, 2013
to the entire very professional team at Invermere Hospital Emergency Department. You are awesomeness incarnate!
August 30, 2013
to Oliver, Lin, Don, Glenda, Ellen, Sam, Patsy, Don Wah, and everyone else I met this summer at Edible Acres. ...
August 30, 2013
to Tracy, Philip, Gus and all who made the Fairmont Farmers and Artisan Market a great success this year! Cheers ...
August 30, 2013
to our local teens for finding creative ways to spend their summers. Its nice to see kids doing something other ...
August 30, 2013
to the Valley Fitness Centre for all your hard work upgrading, your amazing cheerful staff and for running such a ...