July 19, 2013
to the DOI water systems operators for your quick actions on the recent chlorine fail, you should be rewarded.

July 19, 2013
to Brenda the Big Book Sale volunteer who kindly gave me her copy of Inheritance.

July 19, 2013
to the BC Hydro workers for responding so quickly to the accident scene and getting power back up right away. Not ...

July 19, 2013
to Jess & Lisa for awesome customer service!! Your patience and kindness are models for many. Thank you!

July 19, 2013
to Gary Oja from Horsethief Hideout for the generous donation to a community service that provides assistance to ...

July 19, 2013
to the gentleman and his family who stopped and helped me put the drain plug back into my boat . I couldnt have ...

July 19, 2013
to the person who defecated on the bathroom floor in the Radium public washrooms. Other people have to use that ...
July 19, 2013
to everyone involved with the Heart of the Rockies Triathlon... what a fabulous day!

July 19, 2013
to Greg and Kevin, Invermere Public Works Dept. Great work done on Friday on 12th Ave. Job well done.

July 19, 2013
to the Shop owners for allowing us to chalk frogs outside their shops.