June 7, 2013
to Johno W, Brandy E and Jay for jumping in with all 4s to build us our new home that we will get to share with ...
June 7, 2013
to the personwho feels no guilt for passing cars on Hwy 93 and getting an excessive speeding ticket. For having ...
June 7, 2013
to summer. You make Spandex much more palatable.
June 7, 2013
to the mayors of Invermere, Radium and Canal Flats and Area G Director for voting for the rezoning to allow a ...
June 7, 2013
to the people who use our beautiful countryside as theirpersonal bathroom, e.g. Lavington Flats. Clean up your ...
June 7, 2013
to Larry at Canterbury for the Birthday balloon!
June 7, 2013
to Krista for entertaining the valley this weekend. Wed like an encore soon!
June 7, 2013
to my wonderful wife. Our first ten years have been awesome. Thank you!
June 7, 2013
to the dedicated volunteers who helped out at the Groundswell Permaculture Garden Blitz. Thanks!
June 7, 2013
to Julie Parent, Zumba instructor extraordinaire, for organizingZumba in the Park last week with proceeds to the ...