May 10, 2013
to whoever helped themselves to every solar light fixture that I had in my front yard. Pitiful.
May 10, 2013
to the wonderful neighbour at Parkside Place condos for helping us wrangle up the rascal chihuahua into his patio ...

May 10, 2013
to all the people at Village Arts Co-op who worked so hard to renovate the store. It looks amazing!

May 3, 2013
to Eagle Ranch Resort for the best webcam in the B.C Interior.

May 3, 2013
to elections. You may not like everything thats said but at least we have the freedom to say it.

May 3, 2013
to the inconsiderate thief who stole my 11-year-old brothers bike last week right from our driveway. Return it to ...
May 3, 2013
to the guys upstairs. You need to expand your music. Cheers to my dog. He left you a little something.
May 3, 2013
to The Pioneer and Valley Echo. I love you guys!

May 3, 2013
A huge cheers to Dianne for returning my Britney Spears wallet after finding it on a hike around Lake Lillian. ...

May 3, 2013
to the person who turned in my purse at Tim Hortons on April 24th. Thank you for your honesty.