May 3, 2013
to the guy who parks in front of AG Foods every morning with his car idling.
May 3, 2013
to whoever took my Buddha from my yard. Better hope you return him before I find you!
May 3, 2013
to reporters Dan and Nicole for writing articles to assist job seekers and to inform employers about opportunities ...

May 3, 2013
to Fred and Claudia Becker. I will gladly contribute to your fund! Lets help those that dont appreciate the ...

May 3, 2013
to Blaine and your sage advice on the GDMBR. You are helping us greatly in getting this trip idea off the ground!

May 3, 2013
to Canada Post Invermere for getting my silver coins. Very much appreciated.

May 3, 2013
to the guy who keeps kicking my yard lights in Fairmont. I am trying to light up the world so no danger comes to ...
May 3, 2013
to the U.N. for the World Charter for Nature!

May 3, 2013
to the part-timers or visitors to Radium who dont respect the valley or its people enough to take their waste to ...
May 3, 2013
to Amanda and staff at Copper Point Resort for being so supportive and welcoming to our swim club. Thank you! Otters.