March 15, 2013
to the mechanic at Lake Auto who went far beyond the call of duty to assist with the repair of my squealing little ...
March 9, 2013
to Jim Jenkinson at the Employment Centre for his expertise and assistance.
March 9, 2013
Big jeers to the idiots who think running bus stops with the red flashing lights is fun. Imagine how you would ...
March 9, 2013
to the people who use Facebook irresponsibly! Have some respect and think of peoples families.
March 9, 2013
and thank to Steve and Cathy for snow clearing at Windermere Place. Its much appreciated.
March 8, 2013
to Cindy and Choppers. Cindy you go over and above for our furry friends. Your time, love and generosity are ...
March 8, 2013
to those who use the term March Madness in any other way other than for US college basketball. I expect to see a ...
March 8, 2013
to Justin Atterbury for advocating on behalf of small businesses! We are grateful you are on council! And to ...
March 8, 2013
to the ladies at the thrift store for being so kind and caring! Your compassion and donations for the people ...
March 8, 2013
to Hung at the deli. Your food is awesome! Keep up the yummy!