November 23, 2012
to the ladies at East Kootenay Insurance. You ladies rock!

November 23, 2012
to everyone who bought 50/50 chances from EKBIA and especially to the winner John H. who donated his winnings back ...

November 23, 2012
to the Toronto Maple Leafs! Its been a long time since they were in first place this late in the season.

November 23, 2012
to Cory. Happy birthday. We miss you bud.

November 23, 2012
to the ever-so-present vagrant who believes that it is appropriate to skateboard behind the Fire Chief during the ...
November 23, 2012
from ICAN to everyone who bought tickets for Raise the Woof comedy show and dinner. Youve made it a sold out ...

November 23, 2012
to the Leafs for being undefeated so far this season! Awesome start.

November 23, 2012
to the thief of the midnight genie, you took all the money... it was supposed to be a fundraiser, remember? Jeers ...
November 23, 2012
to all the people in my life who have put up with my anger and ways! God bless for still caring.

November 23, 2012
A big warm cheer to Bethany and gang who warmed us up with free hot chocolate at the Christmas parade, and to ...