August 31, 2012
to those who stopped by the AG Open Market to pledge me in the Terry Fox Run. Hope to see more the next two ...
August 31, 2012
to the old people who are taking up so-called valuable jobs. Seems to me, according to the stats, that young ...
August 31, 2012
to everyone who supports the Arabian Mountain Spice belly dance troupe.
August 31, 2012
A huge Cheers to Herb Weller for all of the hard work and long hours that you put in volunteering at the climbing ...
August 31, 2012
to the DJ who stole my friends hard-earned money.
August 31, 2012
to the Blue Dog girls for being so much fun to work with and making me love my job.
August 31, 2012
to Artym for your superb taste and support of local artists. Truly grateful. N.D.
August 24, 2012
to the Farside Pub for their amazing service and going above and beyond.
August 24, 2012
to Amy at DQ for all the cakes and decorating you have done over the past 2 years. Every cake has been amazing and ...
August 24, 2012
to Jeff at Sobeys for always making me smile! You are the best!