August 24, 2012
to those of us who take up valuable jobs in the valley. If old, tired and angry, perhaps its time to move on. ...
August 24, 2012
to Chelsea at Valley Hairstyling for always making me look beautiful! You are an amazing hairdresser with a great ...

August 24, 2012
to the people who tip 15%. I work hard for my money and give premium service. When I see that 15% it just makes me ...

August 24, 2012
to the reporters and photographers who make our coveted newspaper exciting, humorous, informative, impartial, ...

August 24, 2012
to Lisa and Blair for great work this summer! Your willingness and cheerful ways are noticed and appreciated! D & K.

August 24, 2012
to Reg for schooling us about Creeping Charley then being an important part of the solution.

August 24, 2012
to the girls at the Credit Union for always treating me with the utmost respect.

August 24, 2012
to the District of Invermere for the beautiful downtown flowers

August 24, 2012
to the District of Invermere for cleaning up the branches around Pynelogs. I asked for assistance and you ...

August 24, 2012
to the Lake Windermere Rowing Club for their generous spirit and excellent training techniques. Especially for ...