June 22, 2012
A big cheers to Anne and Eileen for the greatest camp food ever! From the four amigos!

June 22, 2012
to Michelle at Rocky River Grill. Your customer service skills are outstanding and you are always friendly and ...

June 22, 2012
to the National Aboriginal Day festival for hosting a great party. Great job everyone!

June 22, 2012
to the rain and the grass: by combining your powers together, you have made the backyard unbearable. My ...
June 22, 2012
to the thieving lowlife who stole my 2007 Blue Kona Stinky downhill mountain bike. You have single-handedly ruined ...

June 22, 2012
to the redneck house for giving this town character. We all need a laugh.

June 22, 2012
to Joyce at Oriental Palace for keeping that Aussie waiter of yours in line!

June 22, 2012
to whoever stole my bicycle from behind my truck in the underground parking lot at Panorama. If I left my truck ...
June 22, 2012
to a wonderful day in Windermere at the 3rd Annual National Aboriginal Day Festival. Stupendous to see the spirits ...

June 22, 2012
to Diana and Kevin, owners of Fairmont Gift Shop, for generously donating the proceeds from the sale of the Boo ...