May 25, 2012
to the J. A. Laird PAC, parents, and students for making Teacher Appreciation Week so special for the staff. We ...
May 25, 2012
A big cheers to Dr. Mannheimer. You are amazing!
May 25, 2012
to the sweet lady with the chocolate bar at Pattys Greenhouse.
May 25, 2012
to our amazing friends, family, and everyone who participated in our garage sale and made it such a success. You ...
May 18, 2012
to the staff at Kicking Horse Coffee for hosting a professional, informative tour as part of the Wings Over the ...
May 18, 2012
to Tiffany and Chris for the wonderful futon. I am so grateful.
May 18, 2012
to Verna and Basil for making snacks and lunch while we were studying so hard on Serving it Right. Thank you from ...
May 18, 2012
to Jeanelle of Nellies Salon for going beyond the call of duty by providing a ride home for her clients. You are ...
May 18, 2012
to my boyfriend for shooting his first bear! And to our unreal blue ticks for gettin er done!
May 18, 2012
to Barb at Selkirk TV for helping those of us who are inept with technology. Amazing patience and superb service. ...