January 6, 2012
to the RCMP member who decided to have a high-speed chase near the Best Western on New Years Eve, not taking into ...
January 6, 2012
to the Wilmer community. What Christmas spirit, and amazing fireworks! Thank you for sharing with the rest us.

January 6, 2012
to the New Years fireworks revelers who leave their spent fireworks cartridges on the lake. Enjoy the festivities, ...
December 30, 2011
to everyone with kind hearts. Its people like you who remind me what a beautiful valley we live in!

December 30, 2011
to the employer who doesnt recognize their employees with a gift or a bonus (or a hello) at Christmas. A small ...
December 30, 2011
and thanks, your friend, Puma!

December 30, 2011
Angels arent only with us at Christmas. Theyre near us all the time. Cheers to my bevy of angels who have been ...

December 30, 2011
to the boy in the box. You so funny.

December 30, 2011
to our good friend GFE for regularly donating $10/week to his favorite servers Christmas...(better luck next year!)