Fill out the form below to begin the classified ad submissions process. The details of your submission will be sent to our Classifieds Staff, who will be in touch with you to finish the process.
Our classified prices are as follows:
1 – 15 words is $9.50 and $0.20 a word after that.
All consecutive weeks that the classified is booked and paid for is $2.00 off the first week’s price.
Classified ad-on costs, per week:
Bold wording = $1.00
Boxing the ad = $5.00
Picture in ad = $10.00
All prices are subject to HST.
To find out how much your classified will cost, please email us or use the form below to send the desired wording, with any ad-on requests, and the number of weeks that you would like the ad run for. A proof with pricing will be emailed back. Classified deadline for submission and payment is Monday at noon for the following Thursday’s paper. Email: [email protected]