By Joanne McQuarrie
The hard work of 45 volunteers with the Columbia Valley Food Bank (CVFB) was celebrated onsite on November 26. The dedicated group gathered at the food bank to enjoy a bite to eat and visit.
“The heart of the food bank is the incredible core of…volunteers who give unstintingly of their time, dedication and commitment to serve those in need,” said food bank chairman, Nesta Becker.
“A celebration of their contributions held on (Nov. 26) showcased all the tasks that are necessary to prepare a hamper for a client,” she said. “The CVFB wanted to recognize and celebrate these individuals for their commitment. Special thanks to Eileen, Janel and Dawn for planning this event.”
Becker listed the steps involved in preparing a hamper and it’s a long list: “Meeting with clients; packing hampers; organizing; scheduling and pick-up of food donations and food recovery from grocery stores; date-checking; sorting and shelving items; procurement from local producers; repackaging of staples; kids’ snacks bag packaging; facility and inventory management; AG weekly grocery ordering and receiving; picking up milk order(s); phone monitoring; volunteer liaison/orientation; cleaning; collecting boxes used for hampers; recycling; social media; special events and; contributions from the board members including administration, community connections and (overseeing) finances.”
“The organization and operation has been run entirely on the efforts of 45 volunteers who put in between 150 and 200 hours per month,” Becker continued. “It’s continually evolving but our team rolls with it and even has fun doing it!
“New volunteers (are) always welcome!”