Dear Editor:

I read your editorial (Candidates face a tough test, from the April 26th edition of The Pioneer) on the tough test we face as candidates, and felt it important to address the issue you raise over party politics versus constituent needs.

Article 1.1.4 of the BC Conservative Policy states, MLAs should be empowered to best represent the interests of their constituents. Party leader John Cummins provided further support of that concept in the television debate, where he reaffirmed that a BC Conservative MLA would always be required to and expected to put the constituents interests first.

That is a very significant break from the policies of other parties where the concept of party line/ platform first, conscience second is controlled with party whips. This definitely restricts open and honest discussions and voting something that the BC Conservatives strongly believe is core to forming an open, transparent and responsible government.

Earl Olsen

Fairmont Hot Springs

Columbia River-Revelstoke candidate for the

BC Conservative Party