Dear editor,

Here they are again … the entitled, elitist Invermere bike riders on the Westside Road, not the trail, often two — and occasionally three — abreast, heads down, arms ensconced in handlebar armrests, commandeering and unyielding their road space, oblivious to others. Weren’t these the people advocating for a paved bike trail on the Westside?

I realize it’s much hillier and slower on the trail, but on summer weekends, some of these riders are not so much a nuisance as a menace on the road, especially on the curves.

I ride on the south half of the road in the winter when the trail is snow-covered and the traffic is virtually nonexistent, and for a few weeks in the spring until the south part of the trail has the gravel thrown up by the plow and sander brushed away. For those who seem determined to race-ride, a better choice would be Highway 93 where there is at least a wide shoulder available.

Mort Doran