Dear Editor:

I am responding to the recent closure of the dialysis unit at the Invermere and District Hospital. Cheers to the people who oppose this move; my family has also been affected by this closure. At 84 years of age, my mother was diagnosed with kidney failure and requires dialysis. With the temporary closure of the dialysis unit here last summer, we had to make the trip to Cranbrook for dialysis treatment three times a week. The cost, inconvenience and mental anguish was devastating for my parents.

We were hoping that the closure was temporary and that Interior Health would resolve their staffing issues so the unit could re-open. Clearly that has not been the case; my parents were forced to leave their home in Invermere permanently.

What about the people who have vacation homes here who require special treatment? Has any thought been given to their situation? Clearly they will not be able to enjoy their recreation property.

I am appalled that Interior Health has authorized the removal and relocation of the equipment that our community raised the funds for. The citizens of Invermere and the Womens Hospital Auxillary work very hard to help fund such equipment. Apparently these efforts are all in vain!

Why should we make the trip to Cranbrook when we already have the unit and equipment in place. Interior Health needs to resolve the staffing issue here and give us back our dialysis unit.

Judy Miller
