Statements of financial information for 2013 are publicly available for all municipalities in the Upper Columbia Valley, with the financial position of all of them having been certified by independent auditors as being in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards.

The statements indicate the compensation that elected municipal officials make in the Columbia Valley. The four district of Invermere councillors each make $12,144 in renumeration, while Invermere mayor Gerry Taft earns a salary of $20,240. The Invermere councillors and mayor all had expenses of between $3,000 and $4,500 with the exception of councillor Justin Atterbury, who had expenses of $726.

Renumeration for councillors in the Village of Radium Hot Springs is significantly less, with councillors making $3,966 and Radium mayor Dee Conklin earning $6,488. Expenses for all Radium council members were between $2,800 and $3,000, aside from Mayor Conklin, whose expenses totalled about $6,900, and councillor Clara Reinhardt, who also had expenses of $6,900 (Councillor Reinhardt occasionally acts as an alternate for Mayor Conklin at regional district and other functions).

For Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort Municipality, Jumbo mayor Greg Deck made $4,583, while the two councillors each made $3,055. Mr. Deck had about $2,300 in expenses; the other councillors each around $1,500.

Village of Canal Flats statement of financial information did not contain an exact breakdown of council renumeration, but according to Canal Flats deputy clerk Gloria Perry (will call us back after lunch), mayor Ute Juras makes $6,095, and village councillors each make $3,658.