Flooding in and around Fairmont was so severe at the start of the week that Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) issued a state of emergency and RCMP officers were enlisted to evacuate residents.
“RCMP are assisting with a door-to-door tactical evacuation in a localized area along Fairmont Creek south of Marble Canyon,” said information officer Loree Duczek in a news release. “Our primary concern is the safety of residents. The heavy rainfall has resulted in flooding and debris on both Fairmont Creek and Cold Spring Creek and we are asking everyone to stay away from the creek banks and avoid any roads that are compromised by flood water.”
Residents in the evacuation zone were asked to leave their homes and check in at the reception centre at the Kanata Inn.
Eleven people checked in. Nine of them required accommodations while the remaining two found lodging with friends or family.
As of Tuesday, June 2, the Fairmont Creek evacuation order was downgraded to an evacuation alert and residents of the 24 impacted properties were able to return home. The evacuation alert for Cold Spring Creek also remained in effect at press time.
“It is important for people within the alert area to remain prepared to evacuate on a moment’s notice and follow updates from the RDEK in the event that conditions worsen and an order needs to be re-issued,” the RDEK advised residents on Tuesday.
Photo of valley flooding by Ryan Watmough