By Joanne McQuarrie
Family and friends of Trevor Dendy will host a fundraiser at the Edgewater Legion on February 4 to raise money for him after he was shot in the head during a robbery at his Calgary home on November 11.
Rick Dendy, Trevor’s uncle, explained in an email that Trevor and his daughter were just about to leave their house when, “they were approached by two people, one holding a shotgun. The person with the gun demanded the keys to the vehicle as well as their wallets and cell phones. Trevor and his daughter complied with the demands immediately and as the people left, Trevor was shot in the back of the head at close range.”
Trevor wasn’t expected to survive the night but, Rick said, “He proved them wrong and after several surgeries to remove shotgun pellets and other shrapnel from his brain, he began to show improvement.” These days Trevor recognizes his family and friends and speaks a few words. He’s receiving physical and speech therapy.
“Each day seems to be an improvement over the last but the steps are very small and his recovery will be long and he will probably suffer many setbacks,” Rick said. His family hasn’t returned to their home since the traumatizing occurrence.
The fundraiser starts at 5 p.m.; there’ll be music by Marty Beingessner, appetizers, a silent auction and a 50/50 draw.
“Please come out to support Trevor, have fun, shake a leg if you want and enjoy the evening,” Rick invited.