By Breanne Massey
Pioneer Staff
After being diagnosed with Stage 4 Glioblastoma (brain cancer), Tim Goldie and his family are welcoming support that has been flooding in from the Columbia Valley community.
A Support Timmy fundraiser event, featuring a silent auction, will be held at Panoramas Great Hall at 7 p.m. on Saturday, January 30th to help raise money to cover the costs of Mr. Goldies travelling to Calgary, Alberta for chemotherapy and researching treatment options worldwide.
The fundraiser will also have plenty of family fun and games.
I think as a small business owner (Mr. Goldie is the owner of Peppis Pizzeria) in our community, Tim is always the first one to pitch in and donate, said Monica Fisher, an event organizer and spokesperson for the Support Timmy event. Hes always the one that brings late night pizzas to events and parties, and as a small business owner, the (Goldie family) doesnt have the medical coverage that many would get with employment.
Hes always been there for us, now its our turn to be there for him.
Mr. Goldie, is the father of two daughters, Ashley and Piper. He is married to Laura Lindsay and the couple has lived in the Columbia Valley for several years.
This family really needs help, said Ms. Fisher. Hes got two little kids at home and he needs to not worry about money. He really needs to focus on getting better.
Panorama Mountain Resort has offered a 15 per cent discount on room bookings at the Pine Inn for participants. There will also be a shuttle to and from Invermere for those who need transportation, but the times and details for the shuttle have yet to be determined.
Entry to the fundraiser will be based on donations.
A crowd sourcing effort, also organized by Ms. Fisher, to fundraise for the Goldie family to cope with this debilitating disease will continue indefinitely at