Dear Editor:
This spring J.A. Laird Elementary will have 65 students participating in a Spring Concert series through the Silver Strings program. The tour takes place in Kelowna, and the students will perform eight concerts in three days. They will be performing at various schools and churches in the Kelowna area. The students are busy fundraising for this upcoming trip in order to lessen the costs per family.
There are two ways that you can help. One is through our Kicking Horse Coffee fundraiser, in which students are selling coffee at $12 per can. Orders are due back at the school by Wednesday, February 12th.
Were also having a bottle sort at the back of the Sonshine Daycare Centre. If you would like to donate, please drop off your bottles (in the bin behind the building marked Silver Strings) by March 1st.
We will have some upcoming local concerts throughout the month of May. Be sure to come and check out the one performing at the Christ Church Trinity on May 14th at 7 p.m. which will be in collaboration with local musicians. The cost for this concert is by donation.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at J.A. Laird at 250-342-6232.
Melissa Altmann
Secretary, J.A. Laird Elementary School