Columbia Valley Pioneer staff
The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) has approved a number of grants in aid for some worthy projects in the valley.
Electoral Area F director Susan Clovechok said she was very pleased that the board supported three applications for the Discretionary Grant in Aid (DGIA) program recommended by the Electoral Area Advisory Commission. These include $250 for the BC Senior Games Society (Zone 7), $750 for Cops for Kids Charitable Foundation, and $600 for Peaks Gymnastics Society for their year-end show.
Area G recommended the same projects and amounts, except for Peaks Gymnastics that will receive a $200 grant.
Director Roberta Schnider said the Games are important to support seniors in staying active, while Cops for Kids supports children in medical crises. Schnider added that Peaks Gymnastics is “bursting at the seams” in the mandate to support youth in staying physically active, which is a high priority for the RDEK.