Columbia Valley Pioneer staff

Interior Health (IH) has embarked on a big mission – to mitigate the health impacts of climate change in the region.

The authority plans to do that via its first ever Climate Change and Sustainability Roadmap that provides strategic direction on addressing this growing environmental concern that is having significant impacts on people’s health. 

Building on the direction from the provincial government, IH has released a report outlining its goals including 20 action items to create a resilient health care system, support climate adaptation, and strengthen Indigenous partnerships.

“The link between the health and well-being of British Columbians, and the health and well-being of our environment is clear,” said Susan Brown, president and CEO of Interior Health. 

She noted the roadmap positions IH to respond effectively to the climate change threat and support vulnerable communities. 

Medical Health Officer Dr. Sue Pollock said this is an important moment, adding how proud she is of the team involved in promoting climate resiliency, energy reduction and environmental sustainability. 

Of the 20 actions detailed in the report, many are already in progress, including the development of an electric vehicle strategy; conducting climate risk facility assessments; the integration of environmental sustainability into clinical operations; creating and implementing surveillance and early warning systems for extreme heat, cold and air quality events; and a climate change and health vulnerability and adaptation assessment.

Lorne Sisley, corporate director of facilities management and operations, said the document will be “integrated into all areas of our operations and service delivery so that together we can help strengthen our health care system to adapt and mitigate climate change impacts.”

Interior Health says the new roadmap will support the authority in meeting its 2030 greenhouse gas emission targets. It plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent below 2007 levels by 2030. The authority says it has been carbon neutral since 2010.

View the IH report at Climate Change and Sustainability Roadmap 2023–2028.