Dear Editor:

In the last couple of weeks, there has been very significant news out of Victoria regarding the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort.

On April 24th, 2015, the Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) advised Glacier Resorts Ltd. (GRL) that the two concrete slabs they installed in the Jumbo Valley to support a day lodge and a service building are in non compliance of legally binding condition #36 because they are located in an avalanche hazard zone.

The EAO further stated that in its view, it is not possible for GRL to achieve compliance with condition #36 with the structures as currently located.

These statements from the EAO may very well mean that because these slabs are in non compliance (something GRL knew at the time of installation according to the Calgary Herald), they cannot be considered to be part of a substantial start to the project by the governments deadline of October 12th, 2014.

If these concrete slabs have to be removed, then GRL will actually have almost no start at all.

If the Environmental Assessments rules and regulations are to mean anything then the Environment Minister must bring an end to this 20-year debacle by rejecting Jumbo Glacier Resort for all time.

Jim Galloway
