Dear Editor:
The Federal Court of Appeal has supported the B.C. First Nations request to keep the Northern Gateway Pipeline and oil tanker terminal project out of their traditional territories. Great news!
Yet, when I first heard The Federal Court of Appeal has supported B.C. First Nations my yearning was to hear that the Ktunaxas request to keep their sacred territory, QatMuk, free of the Jumbo Glacier Resort had been granted.
That, too, will be great news!
Currently Jumbo Wilders are being stretched while waiting for the B.C. government to officially support the premise that if Jumbo Glacier Resort did not have a substantial start and their environmental certificate was cancelled – then, too, all the tenures and licences that were part of the endeavour to make the substantial start are also cancelled.
And, now, in applying for a smaller Jumbo Glacier Resort (just small enough that it will not need an environmental assessment) all the tenures and licences to occupy and proceed must be applied for anew. Needless to say, Glacier Resorts is balking.
Eco-Justice, which is working to keep Jumbo Wild, reports that the B.C. government is not being assertive with that one might even see the government as acting reluctantly … hmm.
Directly after the no substantial start decision by Mary Polak, B.C. Ministry of Environment, the resort proponent declared they would be pursuing a judicial review to Ms. Polaks decision claiming it to be in error. However, there is no movement that we know of, as I write. So, on we go to this seemingly endless tale. Golly, gee and darn!
What is so compelling about our beloved Jumbo Valley area that keeps our man from Milan as enthusiastic as ever – except maybe that magic five letter word that grows globally more significant every day – W.A.T.E.R. – the end product of four melting glaciers.
Rowena Eloise,