The provincial government is appealing the BC Supreme Court decision from Friday, August 17th related to Jumbo Glacier Resort.
On Thursday, September 13th, communications official David Karn provided the following statement on behalf of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy.
“The Province has determined that it will appeal the recent BC Supreme Court decision to grant a petition to Glacier Resorts challenging the decision of the then Minister of Environment that the Jumbo Glacier Resort Project had not been substantially started.”
He also advised that the Ministry will not be able to comment further “[a]s this matter will be back before the courts.”
Tommaso Oberti, vice president of Pheidias Project Management Corporation which manages the resort project, said he hasn’t seen the rationale for the appeal yet and expressed frustration that “the pattern of delays for the project continues.”
He said he was “very pleased” with the BC Supreme Court judgement in question.
“We thought it was a fairly robust ruling, so we’ll see how it goes,” he said. “We look forward to seeing the process completed.”
Robyn Duncan, Wildsight’s executive director, said the earlier judgement “was a very shocking decision for many of us… We are very pleased to hear the decision that the province will be appealing.”