Letter to the editor
We keep hearing there isn’t any kindness anymore.
Well, for those of us fortunate enough to live in the Columbia Valley, we witness everyday mini-miracles of giving; actions that stretch the heart.
Just imagine pulling up beside total strangers and saying, “Is that ever a nice trailer. Would you loan it to Groundswell Community Greenhouse and Garden for the parade? We would like to get the message out of how important it is to make the valley more self sufficient by growing more food.”
That question was posed to Don Daugherty who responded, “Well if you are using our trailer, you probably need our truck to pull it.” And Rose, his wife, chimed in, “And if you have the truck, you’ll need some drivers.”
With a trailer, truck and drivers in hand, I then walked into Zen Technology and said to owner Murray Janzen, “Murray I need music for the float. Everybody tells me all I need is a Bluetooth and a playlist. I don’t know what a Bluetooth is and my playlist is on my CD’s.” Murray turned to the shelf, pulled down speakers and proceeded to put together a stream of jolly music with a sound that carried to the farthest corner of downtown. I stood there looking demented. I was just expecting information. There is no kindness anymore, hmmm?
Add their warm hearts to those of the volunteers who came out to decorate the float, fertilize it with the community who showed up to applaud the effort, and we see a powerful attitude of gratitude. Those seeds of kindness flourish – it is so completely in keeping with Groundswell’s mission of healthy, affordable food for everyone. We don’t need the Grinch’s heart to grow three sizes; just look at the kindness that surround us, and yours will grow too.
Barbara Thrasher, Invermere