Low attendance numbers were yielded at last week’s Columbia Valley Métis Association (CVMA) information night for voters.

A handful of attendees visited the Lion’s Hall on Sept. 1 between 7 and 8 p.m. to learn more about the Métis Nation of B.C. (MNBC) election.

“I wish there was more engagement in community events, but I understand people have busy lives and they’re concerned about COVID-19,” said Monica Fisher, CVMA vice-president. “But I think we have done a good job of getting information out to members.”

However, those who attended had positive feedback about the event because it served the community as an educational format to learn more about the election process through MNBC.

“It was really informative because I knew nothing before,” said Christina Boucher, a Métis cardholder outside the event. “It was good to learn more about the candidates and hear what each of their campaigns are about.”

However, CVMA president Debra Fisher remained positive about the information night for voters to learn more about the provincial election, as well as an opportunity to promote her platform as a candidate for the Kootenay regional director role.

She is campaigning against Terry Anonson and Don Courson to represent the East and West Kootenay communities at the provincial level.

“I’ve got way more phone calls than I’ve had people coming to these events,” said Fisher after the event. “I’ve had probably a dozen calls to ask how to fill out ballots and mail-in ballots correctly.”

Her daughter, Monica, who serves as vice-president of the CVMA, added that several community members had called to ask if there was a way to vote digitally instead of through mail-in ballots.

The duo indicated that roughly 1,200 phone calls have been made throughout the Kootenay region on behalf of Fisher’s campaign through roughly 14 volunteers.

“We’re getting information out about all of the candidates to all of our members through various platforms,” said Fisher from the vice-president’s perspective. “And I would say, there’s been a really positive response.”