Dear Editor:

Since the advance poll, Ive heard a flood of whinging – about wrong information, and incorrect cards and Radium vs Invermere, wrong stations and calls to Nelson and slow line ups and confusing directions and waiting and.. and… and…

Another choice I offer is my different story about this vote- the convenience of four days four days! of advance polls. Being grateful for living in my amazing Canada, where I get to vote, in privacy, without threat or fear. My Canada IS a democracy and potentially my biggest gripe as I exercise my right to vote is a magnificent drive to Radium?

I will be working at a polling station on October 19th. It will be my first day, at a new, complicated, important job. Ive been trained to be careful- (read as go slowly and meticulously to ensure not one persons vote is disenfranchised/lost/spoiled).

While standing in line – to vote I invite you to share, with another Canadian standing in line, an easy to-do acceptance of a likely computer glitch. On one of the five days you can vote perhaps welcome the adventure of visiting another corner of our spectacular valley neighbourhood. Stop off at the look out and be a tourist, breathing in what is ours. Right here. Every day. Will you join me in speaking a flood of gratitude about the multitude of the things for which you are grateful as a Canadian?

Crisanna MacLeod
