This week’s column was written by Blair McFarlane, community outreach programmer for the Invermere Public Library at 201-7th Avenue. Visit their website or call 250-342-6416 for more information.

Summer is in full swing in the valley and at the Invermere Library. 

We are averaging around 100 kids a week in our programming: we have our Adult Summer Reading Challenge to try out, and our Teen Summer Reading Club Booklet (come pick up a copy). 

Reading is naturally a main focus in libraries, but we have so much more to offer. The busy season reminds us that the library is the heart of the community as a place to learn, have fun, meet new people, and now, it is home to the valley’s very own Tech Hub, with state-of-the-art, free-to-use devices and software for all your digitizing and creation needs. 

Digitization Station

Do you have a box of photos, slides or film you’d like to digitize? Old family VHS tapes or DVDs you’d like to preserve as digital files? Vinyl records you want MP3 copies of? We have a high-quality photo scanner, turntable, and accompanying software to do all of that. Appointments are required to use this free service. Staff are available to help get you started, but if you require more assistance, we have a volunteer available for Monday appointments to help you out. 

Creation Station

Come record a podcast, a keyboard solo, or sing a song in our Loop Booth, complete with a high-quality microphone, Volt Audio Interface, and a MacBook Pro with all the software you need. Have an idea for a short film? Shoot the footage, then come to the library to edit and finalize your work. We have ProTools editing software and the full suite of Adobe apps, including Photoshop and Illustrator, available to use. Want to explore digital drawing? We have four Apple Pens and accompanying iPads for in-library use to draw to your heart’s content. 

Let your imagination soar with all of the top-of-the-line tech we have available for use. Please contact us to book an appointment. 

Tech Hub open house

Come in and see what we have to offer. Join us on Wednesday, August 23 from 3-7 p.m. for our Tech Hub open house to test a few things, see what’s available, and find inspiration for your next creative project. 

Head to our website at for specifics on the tech and FAQs. Appointments required to use the Tech Hub. Please call 250-342-6416 or email [email protected] to book a slot. 

All free to use and no library card required.