Dear Editor:
Mayor Gerry Taft wrote to the Chairman and Directors of the Columbia Valley Services Committee about the proposed multi-use facility, stating that the current Council is not supportive of a second phase as they do not consider it feasible; when the building is paid off in thirty years, there is potential for future phasing. [Editors note: Pioneer staff have confirmed this informaton is factually correct.] The letter is dated September 25th, 2013. The next day, on September 26th, Mayor Taft attended a library event and took a moment to speak to the crowd of over 100 library patrons and supporters saying it was possible that if the upcoming referendum was successful and enough funds were raised, the library might even be included in Phase 1 of the building, but that certainly it would be included in Phase 2.
Approximately two weeks later, two open house events were held in the community hall to discuss the new facility, at which time it was reiterated that the library would be included in Phase 2. I dont believe it was ever made clear to the public that the District of Invermere Council was not supportive of a second phase, nor that a second phase would not occur for thirty years. I believe the referendum was successful, in part, because many people looked forward to a new library facility in the near future.
Among Mayor Tafts Facebook comments made as recently as May 14th, he says, It was made clear during the entire referendum process that the library would be a Phase 2 part of the building.
I have written to the Mayor and Council with my concerns.
The reply I received fails to address why it was not made clear that a second phase was going to take 30 years. Why was this crucial information withheld from the public?
Elizabeth Robinson