Bull Riding in the Rockies, the memorial for Bill McIntosh, was a cowboy’s dream come true on July 21.

The fundraiser for the Columbia Valley Rockies featured the crazy event called Mexican poker. Ornery bulls took exception to the crappy hands they were dealt, so they thought, well, if they couldn’t win, nobody would. Gnarly stuff!

Photos by Caio Paagman  

(Photo by Caio Paagman)

(Photo by Caio Paagman)

(Photo by Caio Paagman)

(Photo by Caio Paagman)

Good while it lasted.
(Photo by Caio Paagman)

Gotta run, folks.
(Photo by Caio Paagman)

A little too much detail.
(Photo by Caio Paagman)