Submitted by Lake Windermere Ambassadors

June 26, 2024

Average Water Temperature: 18.6°C

Average Water Depth: 4.7 m

Average Turbidity: 1.5 NTU

Average D.O.: 10.0 mg/L

Average pH: 7.6

Water colour was clear at the north sites and a cloudy green colour with lower clarity at the south site. Most likely due to runoff inflows coming into the lake from the south end. We notice a lot of pollen in the upper water column, and the areas near Windermere had a lot of debris on the surface. Most likely resulting from freshet runoff from Windermere Creek.

Thank you this week to Emma and to the crew at the District of Invermere for supplying the boat.

To volunteer with the Ambassadors on the lake this summer, please contact us at (250) 341-6898 or [email protected]