Dear Editor,

The so-called all candidates debate is actually not a debate at all, in the format chosen by the CV Chamber of Commerce, yet it sounds like most of the candidates are actually willing to participate in a true debate.

As you have previously reported, the conservative incumbent, Mr. Wilks is not willing to debate, and so he leveraged his participation on getting the format changed. If this is true, and the chamber of commerce bowed to this request, the resulting forum is not nearly as meaningful which is actually bad for voters of all political stripes. I think the chamber should have stood up to the participants and not allow any one candidate to set the agenda of the forum.

The Pioneers own question and answer instalments are quite useful, and one would think that the candidates should actually be eager to participate in this, as it helps them to get their message out to potential voters. Thus, although running for office may be a tough job, and respect should be given to anyone willing to stand for public office, these folks dont need any praise for doing the essentials of campaigning, as suggested in your editorial, nor should they receive an easy ride in their audition for the job, by avoiding public forums of interactive discussion.

They need to convince us they are the best suited for the role of MP, and answering questions as well as truly debating their partys platforms are part of any normal election process.

Joe Hildes
